First of all, a word about what to expect should you purchase a reading.

I am a Tarot reader. I read cards, interpret the message, provide an answer to a question. I don't contact those who have passed over as I am not a medium. Neither will I tell you what to do. I will not judge you or your question, and the readings will be completely confidential and an honest interpretation of what I see.

A Tarot reading can be light-hearted, fun, and something done just out of curiosity. That's ok, but I do ask that the process is respected, even if the subject matter is lightweight. Equally, when life isn't so good, problems arise and you don't know which way to turn, a Tarot reading can help you to get back on track, to see a way forward, and give reassurance and comfort.

So, what do you want from a Tarot reading? That may seem like a silly question but it is something worth thinking about beforehand. A "general" question will achieve a "general" answer. A more precise query may get more valuable results.

My reading style has evolved over the years from sticking to spreads with set positions for the cards, to an extremely organic free flowing "conversation" with the cards, and everything in between!

I have listed several Tarot spreads just to illustrate the kind of topics that have been covered in the past. But there's no need be limited by those examples. Readings cost £45 and are sent as a Microsoft Word Document via email, with a photo of the cards that have been drawn.

Please contact me before you pay to discuss what is required.

Payment is made through PAYPAL to dorothy.tarot@gmail com

Disclaimer: Tarot readings are not a substitute for professional legal, financial or medical advice. You are wholly responsible for any decisions and choices made following a Tarot reading. I will not knowingly read for anyone under 18 years of age.

Sophie Anderson the fair face of woman
Sophie Anderson the fair face of woman

Tarot Readings

Tarot Guidance reading

To help you discover the truth about your current situation with a clear and insightful reading focusing on the energies surrounding you and the choices to be made. This reading can be very helpful if you feel you are at a crossroads in your life, not certain about which way to turn.

Relationship reading

What are the strengths, the weaknesses and the expectations in your relationships? This could be either a personal or a business relationship. What will be the likely future of this relationship?

Old Year New Year

This reading is ideal for the end of one calendar year and the beginning of the next. No question required, as this spread will focus on the following: What you must release from the Old Year, what you must keep from the Old Year, lesson learned from the Old Year, what will go well in the New Year, main obstacle to be faced in the New Year, and advice from your guides for the New Year.

Healing from a break up

Have you been through the painful break up of a long term relationship? Using cards from one of my own Tarot decks, I will try to help you accept this change and move forward to a positive future. What should you keep from the past and what needs to be let go of once and for all? Why has this happened and what do you need to focus on now? A photo of the cards drawn will be attached to the reading.